Bob Lackner

Also known around some parts of the country as Bicycle Bob (the homeless hobo bicycling tattooer) Bob spent many years and many miles (15,877 miles to be exact) pedaling his bicycle around America tattooing state to state, border to border and coast to coast before finally settling in Denver in July 2021. His roots in tattooing can be traced back to the infamous Peter Tat-2 Association in New York where he appreciated under Erik Desmond in 1997. Bob’s unique twist on classic tattoo imagery often reflects his background in psychedelic use and he can usually be heard rambling on about just such certain nonsense during his tattoo sessions. Accompanied by his notorious “Wondrous Book of Wannados”, Bob tends to focus primarily on designs that come out of his own imagination but can sometimes be pursued into custom commissioned tattoos for the right idea. An international traveler with a plethora of outlandish stories and the ability to lay down a somewhat decent, albeit unusual tattoo makes Bicycle Bob a crowd favorite for many. Just be aware multiple sessions with Bob may sometimes result in the repeated telling of the same old tales. If this happens, please let him know immediately that you’re heard this one already. Lord knows the rest of the shop has overheard them far too many times…